Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 60 days. Not available because password review isn’t enabled. Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 60 days. Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 45 days. Not available because password review isn’t enabled. Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 45 days. Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 30 days. Not available because password review isn’t enabled. Warnings are shown if the password isn’t changed after 30 days. Enter the name of the log file here. The log file is placed in the Preferences folder in the System Folder. Saves the log file in Rich Text Format. If not checked, the log file is saved as plain TEXT. Not available because neither Failed nor Successful password attempts are being logged. Click here to save the log file in Rich Text Format. If not checked, the log file is saved as plain TEXT. The date, time, and actual entry will be saved to the file named below for each successful attempt to enter the correct password. Click here to log the date, time, and actual entry to the file named below for each successful password entry. The date, time, and actual entry will be saved to the file named below for each failed attempt to enter the correct password. Click here to log the date, time, and actual entry to the file named below for each incorrect password entry. A warning will be displayed if the number of days since the user password was last changed is greater than the amount specified below. Click here to compare the current date against the date the user password was last changed, complaining if the number of days is greater than the amount specified below. A digitized buzzer sound will be played when a password is entered incorrectly. Click here to play a digitized buzzer sound when a password is entered incorrectly. After 60 seconds of inactivity, all monitors will be filled with black and a bouncing icon will be drawn. Click here to fill all monitors with black and draws a bouncing icon after 60 seconds of inactivity. The desktop and all windows except the password entry window will be hidden. Click here to hide the desktop by creating a window beneath the password entry window and filling it with the desktop pattern. Confirms the preferences and dismisses the dialog. Click here to display a dialog box used to adjust application preferences. Click here to dismiss the dialog without saving changes. Confirms the text entered in the above field as the new password. Not available because no text is entered. Click here to confirm the text entered in the above field as the new password. Zorba was written by Jon Wind. Version number. Enter the password here. Passwords are case sensitive. Click here to activate or deactivate Balloon Help. Click here to close all applications and shut down the computer. Click here after entering a correct password to quit this application. Hold down the shift, option, and command keys to edit the password or preferences. After three failed attempts the computer is shut down.